Core Values

Submission to God: We, first and foremost, have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior and surrendered our lives to God and His gospel message. We seek God first as His word is perfect, serving as the authority for all actions and decisions in our lives and as the vessel through which we are sanctified.

Family Unity: We believe in God's design for the family, with the husband as the spiritual and directional head of the home. The strength of the family unit, with consistent application of fundamental biblical principles, and the commitment to a community of like-minded people that reinforce these principles, is fertile soil for spiritual, moral, and academic growth.

Biblical Parenting: We are committed to raising our children according to God's word and the wisdom received by the Holy Spirit within and desire a likeminded support community. We have chosen Growing Families International's biblical parenting courses and materials (such as Growing Kids God's Way and Reflections of Moral Innocence) to ensure our like-mindedness in the training and instruction of our children, but recognize that it is not doctrine.

Academic Excellence: LCCS strives to provide an academic environment that is consistent with the biblical and moral training applied in our homes. Parents and teachers partner to academically equip every student to perform to the best of their ability.

Community: We are committed to doing life together as a supportive and likeminded community. We believe discipleship is a purposeful priority requiring commitment and sacrifice. As iron sharpens iron, we believe that in community, we can disciple, encourage and help each other and also our children. 

Communication:  We openly and humbly follow God's word for communicating with each other. We speak truth in love, we vulnerably share our struggles, we humbly confront and graciously receive correction. We “take issues to our brother first,” sharing face to face, not gossiping. We use our tongues to build up not tear down.

Service:  We show love for God by using the gifts He has given us by the power of the Holy Spirit to serve within the school and each other. The day to day operation of LCCS depends on the volunteer service of the families, from teaching in the classroom to curriculum research at home.